Thursday 5 July 2012

Travel Tips: How to fast-track your way through airport security!

Travel Tips: How to fast-track your way through airport security!

Bored of getting stuck at the airport security line? I am sure many of you have had an airport security nightmare. Here are some tips I can guarantee will help you get through the line fast.

Pack Smart

  • Pack your carry-on bag in neat layers. Separate clothes from electronic devices such as cameras, radios, or chargers. This will help security officers see what's in your bag clearly when it passes through the x-ray machine.
  • Remember NOT TO put sharp equipment in your carry-on bag, or leave them in you hand bag. Students like us always carry cutter knives or small scissors to school. Just don't carry them on the plane with you.
  • Ladies, you can't bring the whole face-cleanse with you on the place! All liquid needs to be 3.4 ounces (about 100 grams) or less, and has to be stored together in a zip-top bag.
  • I know you want to surprise your friend, but DO NOT wrap your presents. The security officers have to unwrap the presents anyway. 
  • Consider buying a security friendly laptop bag, so you don't have to waste time getting your laptop in and out of your bag.
Security Friendly Laptop Bag

Dress Smart

  • It would be wise if you "undress" in advance. Remove jewelries, keys, cell phones, anything metallic, and put them all together in a zip-top bag. This will save you a lot of time picking the things up individually. 
  • Wear shoes that can be taken on-off quickly. Shoes with shoelaces are the ones you want to avoid. Choose shoes that you don't need to sit down to put back on.
  • Keep your jacket in your carry-on bag, and take it out when you are on the plane. You have to take the jacket off at the checkpoints, and these things can be very shaggy!

You can't avoid going through the security line, but you sure can avoid getting stuck there if you follow these rules!
Have some cool tips to share too? Please feel free to  share them!  You can also share your bad experiences at the airport security.  :)


  1. good advice! I'll keep that in mind

  2. about the wrapping present it just like the MRT security.
    Once i wrap a present for my friend but they stop be and unwrap my present by torn my wrapping paper :( poor me right . : (

    1. Poor you...
      Next time, you should hide your present! (If it's really big I guess you just have to wrap it later -*-)

  3. This is a great tip! i'll keep all of this in mind before I travel on a plane :)

  4. Oh, thanks for the tip! I love to travel a lot! and I always bored with the security checking ;( but now I know the tip that make it faster! and I'll use this tip when I travel again.

  5. Thanks for tips!! I had the bad experiences about going abroad too. It was horrible when my plane would take off in a few minute and I still stuck at the airport security line.

    1. Going to the airport early can help you avoid being late for your flight. Arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight takes off if it's a domestic flight and at least 3-4 hours for an international flight. You're never too early!

  6. Thanks for the informative blog. It seems well organized, full of useful information and it's interesting.

    1. Thank you!
      I was kind of worried that most of you might knew about these tips already and they wouldn't be interesting.
