Thursday, 4 October 2012

How to take a good care of your skin in winter seasons...

When winter comes, that healthy skin you had starts to get wrinkles and lack of water under your skin...the soft and smooth of your skin reduce. So, you might need to take a better care...If you are facing one of these problems, we have ways to sort out your problems...

For your face..
If you like to use bar soap you should wash your face slowly, let the soap goes slowly into your pores and rinse out with look warm this way, your face skin won't lost the natural barrier. the most important, don't forget to wash your neck with the same soap you use on your face...

Some other ways to protect your skin is to use  a toner to prep your skin before applying moisturizer of your choice...and if you are one of those girls who wear tons of make up...just clam down a bit, its a face not a drawing paper!... applying too much make up will only ruin your skin natural oil and will going to causeed wrinkles, lines, or even acne to you. If you are going out to the sun don't forget to use sun protection with at least SPF 15 to protect you skin
For your face
A healthy skin can be even softer and smoother if you treat it in a right way. Some people treat thier skin with Omega3 and Omega6 that will helps protect your skin natural oil but I would like to introduce to you a better way... Vitamin C is another way you can choose to get that beautiful soft and clear skin. Either taking a supplement or just eat more fruits!  it help in both ways. Your body skin is also important not just your face so, you should put lotion on in order to moisturize it and don't forget to put on sunscreen.  You need to re apply  the moisture into your skin every 3-4 hours too.
Taking hot baht?
Are you a fan of hot baht? I used to..but not anymore...taking hot bath in cold weather will only destroy you skin natural system or if you really need to, make sure its not over 10-15 minutes and the water temperature shouldn't be more than 35c. A trick is, after the hot bath, abruptly apply lotion or your favorite moisterizer. Beacause when your skin is hot they will be able to absorb more deeply.
These are just some ways you can do to protect your skin in the sold weather..and if you do it rapidly, you will see the different and you will probably love your skin even more. <3


  1. i love your tips
    because i think my skin is so badly now

  2. this is a good tips that help girls to protect their skin
