Wednesday 3 October 2012

‘Drunk’ Plumkin jump off building caused her love story.

By Sirinmas Sirimasakul

PHATUMTHANI – 12,october 2011 at 5.00 am,A Thai superstar ‘PLumkin’ reportedly jumped from the third floor of her condominium in Sukhumvit in an attempt to suicide herself caused stress from her love story.                             
Police said that the woman, Plun Junsom is drunk because doctor can found alcohol in her blood then might be arguing through the phone with her boyfriend ‘XilliX, a Famous DJ from MET 103.5 FM. Police presume like that because her phone is drop behind the point that she jumps off  from the third floor building’s terrace. Moreover, her close friend, Apiwan Laiggla also gives the detail about this incident to reporter.
“Junsom went to the party last night and I think she got drunk.” Apiwan Laiggla, Junsom’s friend stated “I tried calling her up to check if she was ok or not, but she didn’t answer my call, so I felt worry about her then I called to her boyfriend, Xiliix to check her out. Xillix told me that he was talking on the phone with Junsom then the call lost signal.Xillix drove the car to her condominium suddenly and he found Junsom try to jump off from the terrace. After that, Xillix called to me and he said Junsom jumped off already.” The reporter asked Miss Laiggla about what the reason this couple arguing is. Miss Laiggla replies that the reason is because Junsom has still been keeping in touch with her ex, and Xillix is jealous. After that, Xillix being ignore her and he doesn’t listen to her excuse.  “But I know the truth that Junsom don’t want to return to her ex.”, Miss Laiggla explained “She just talked with her ex normally. There may have some sweet conversation to get Xillix in jealous. She tries to explain it’s nothing between her and her ex but Xillix keep ignore her without any attension. This problem has been happened for a while and I thought she might be stress and decided to suicide herself.”
Police said they will wait for her to recover from injured sufficiently before they question her personality.

Junsom is famous superstar in Thailand that born from the musical performance “Tawipob” by Mom Tim’s direction. Later that, she keep doing in the media entertainment way. She has many works. Such as, Model, Drama Actress and Advertise work. She has been with Xillix for 5 years. And they will get married each other soon but they have this problem before.


  1. she was so beautiful!
    how did u get that pic by the way

  2. poor her!!

    I love her performance too muchhhhhhhhhhhhh
    RIP my Plumkin :(

  3. I cant believe she did this :(

  4. sometimes love make everyone did the dump thing
    and i understand how did she feel Y_Y


    Poor her, I really like her

  6. I love her. She shouldn't has done this

    RIP Plumkin

  7. Sad story! I hope that she should still alive.
